STEM Increases Employability

STEM Increases Employability


Teaching STEM to students of all ages helps to better prepare them for the workforce.  By teaching students how to think critically, they develop important skills that they will carry with them through any career path they choose.

Teachers have the difficult task of creating hirable students especially when nearly 85% of the jobs that will exist in 2030 have not yet been imagined.  However, STEM gives students the power to create real world solutions using problem-solving skills and design based thinking.

Project based learning is a great way to incorporate STEM into the classroom while teaching real world problem solving skills.  Project based thinking also teaches students how to effectively collaborate with a group.  It is vital that students be able to work together with a team in order to achieve a goal.  Having strong teamwork and communication skills will benefit students in any field they chose to go into.

Concepts such as robotics and programming can be a great way to get students excited about STEM.  Holding a tinker fair or hackathon at your school can inspire your students to create something new and innovative.

At a tinker fair, students can show off robotics that they have created.  Not only will students have to use engineering skills to build their robots and make them functional, but they will also act as developers, programming their robots.

Hackathons challenge students to form teams and solve real world problems.  The problems they will be solving will mimic the problems they may be solving once they have graduated and are in the working world.


Story via EdTech

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