Huge News - Blue Abyss willing to invest in the Cleveland area to build an Astronaut Training Campus

Huge News - Blue Abyss willing to invest in the Cleveland area to build an Astronaut Training Campus

This is huge news for our region! A company based in England (Blue Abyss) is willing to invest in the Cleveland, Ohio area (Brook Park) to build an Astronaut Training Campus.

It will be the largest commercial astronaut training center in the world. The UK based aerospace company is looking at building on 13 acres in Brook Park, Ohio to be its first U.S. campus. It’s mission – to work on plans to support the International Space Station.

 And, with our name, SpaceBound Solutions – we definitely embrace the potential added benefits too, space tourism! In addition to hiring scientists and scuba divers - Blue Abyss may also bring some fun to us earth-bound folks also known as ‘space tourists!’ These space tourists (like our employees) would be willing to pay to experience what astronauts get to experience, zero gravity. It may only be for 20 seconds but we’re on board!

Why this location? Simple, they picked this spot because it’s very close to the NASA Glenn facility and an international airport too.  So, let’s keep our fingers crossed for this exciting ‘outer space’ opportunity and that it goes through, And, if it does - it will be the largest facility in the world that will feature deep-sea diving and parabolic flight!  

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