Our SBS team was honored to pack meal kits at the '9/11 Day' event at Cleveland Browns Stadium on 9/11/2023

Our SBS team was honored to pack meal kits at the '9/11 Day' event at Cleveland Browns Stadium on 9/11/2023

The SpaceBound Solutions (SBS) Team was honored to join the ‘9/11 Day’ event: https://lnkd.in/dkbT2VpB to pack meal kits at Cleveland Browns Stadium on September 11th, 2023. Our SBS volunteers worked together with hundreds of volunteers from the Cleveland, Ohio area to make a difference and give back to the community.

This event has sparked SBS team members to continue to volunteer, support charities, and do acts of kindness that help others in the spirit of unity and remembrance, on this important day and beyond. #911Day #IWillFor911Day #GiveBack #SpaceBoundGiveBack #SBSGiveBack

Group involved in reshipping goods purchased with stolen credit cards, exposed

SpaceBound Solutions Team is proud to volunteer at the '911 Day' event at Cleveland Browns Stadium