AI Robots Are Being Tested in the U.S. as an Added Security Defense in Schools
Image via 1st Technologies
Schools are always searching for new ways to keep their students safe. From Security Guards to Access Control, schools implement multiple layers of security to help keep students and staff protected throughout the school day.
Soon, AI Robots might be added to the list.
Several schools in the United States have begun testing AI-Equipped Security Robots that are designed to traverse campus at all hours of the day, monitoring for unwanted visitors or unsafe conditions.
One such school is Santa Fe High School in New Mexico. 1st Technologies, a technology solutions provider in Albuquerque, has provided the High School with the autonomous robot.
Standing at 5-foot tall and weighing 400 pounds, the robot provides 360-degree video coverage of Santa Fe High School thanks to a camera at the top of the device’s mast. By studying school characteristics, layout, and activities, the robot uses AI to train itself to spot abnormal behaviors.
The robot is not shy. If it observes unusual activity or behavior, it will approach the perceived intruder or threat to let them know they are being observed. This makes time for a security guard to respond to the situation.
Privacy concerns have been raised, however the robot does not currently have facial recognition abilities. Additionally, during the SFHS pilot program, the school itself is responsible for the footage and decides how it’s handled and for how long it’s stored.
One teacher at the school praised the robot, noting that it’s a useful tool for monitoring areas of the campus that might not have as strong of a faculty or security presence as other areas.
The pilot program at Santa Fe High School lasts for 60 days. If proven to be successful, not only would this be a critical Physical Security tool for SFHS, but perhaps for schools across the nation.
Story via Digital Trends