Hacking, Not Quacking: Sitting Duck Threat
Hackers can then take hold of and redirect your DNS.
For starters, what is a “sitting duck”, and why are many businesses—especially small—becoming more and more affected by this cybercriminal epidemic?
When a domain naming system, or DNS, becomes infiltrated with software security issues, it can lead to poor connectivity, availability, and function. In time, they become noticed by cybercriminals who aim to take control of that system. Without proper security, businesses fall victim to appearing as “sitting ducks”. They are sitting, waiting to be hacked upon.
Many individuals’ and businesses’ domains continue to be hacked every day, but unfortunately, these cyberattacks grow much more relentless and tougher to detect.
Funnily enough, the tough detections are credited to the DNS staying intact. Given if the individual or business transfers their server, hackers can then take hold of and redirect your DNS. So while the server’s name won’t change, the software will.
“The attack takes advantage of misconfigurations…specifically if the domain server points to the wrong authoritative name server,” says Infoblox as they continue analyzing the process of these attacks. As the DNS is constantly renamed and transferred to other servers, that’s when hackers infiltrate and conduct their nefarious business.
While worming themselves in to your domain feels like an accomplishment, again, it’s an easy task for cybercriminals. So what’s the kicker? According to Waqas S from US Cybersecurity Magazine, the answer’s valuable data. And business domains contain plenty of that. And when hackers secure your domain, they will often redirect the links of the DNS to sites containing malware, spam content, attempt phishing, and, in extreme cases, fraudulent investment schemes.
So, if you’re paranoid about this potentially happening to your DNS, it’s highly encouraged to double check for any openings in your server that may invite suspicious activity. To ensure your DNS isn’t “lame”, continue updating your software and prevent false security. Professional development might take time, but it’s worth not losing any valuable content. On top of that, encourage your employees to create strong passwords and not to reuse any across their accounts.
To avoid cyber threats like this and more, our SpaceBound Team offers Endpoint Security Services: https://www.spaceboundsolutions.com/ContentPage/148.
The Hacker News: https://thehackernews.com/2024/08/over-1-million-domains-at-risk-of.html
US Cybersecurity: https://www.uscybersecurity.net/sitting-ducks/