Implementing Cookie Policies in Schools

Implementing Cookie Policies in Schools

Schools are charged with keeping sensitive student data safe, but with students and teachers visiting websites and using search browsers that enable cookies, they are unknowingly putting that information at risk.

Research from the K-12 Cybersecurity Resource Center shows that 361 cyber security incidents have involved public schools since 2016.  With an increasing number of cyber attacks, schools have to target specific areas of weakness in their cyber security to better protect their data.

Tracking cookies are designed to collect profile information on users including location, in order to personalize advertising.  However, when cookies are collected on school devices, they compromise student privacy. 

With more devices being used in school, cookies become an even bigger threat. When setting up devices and programs, school IT officials should use the cookie management practices outlined on Microsoft’s website.  Google also has cookie management information available on for Chromebook users.

IT staff should also ensure that they use HTTPS encryption while making school websites. This will help keep their users’ personal information safe.

The final step in reducing the impact of cookies, should be educating students and teachers about cookies and how they track their personal data.  Every time a student clicks “like” or “post” on a social media site, those sites are collecting cookies.  Making students aware of what data is collected and how it is used allows them to make informed decisions while working online.


Story via EdTech

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