Successful Implementation Plans for 1:1 Device Programs

Successful Implementation Plans for 1:1 Device Programs

A one-to-one device program is a great way to bring your school into the modern age.  It gives every student their own personal device allowing each student to work at their own pace.  Students also get to use edtech technology to engage them in their learning.

However, implementing such a large program brings with it many challenges and potential issues.  Here are 4 ways to ensure that rolling out your 1:1 device program goes smoothly:

1. Internet

First off, your school internet has to be powerful enough to connect all of those devices.  IT teams should look at their current infrastructure to find out it it can handle the stress of a 1:1 device program and what would have to change in order to support those devices.

2.  Preparing Teachers

Teachers will need training on how to best utilize the 1:1 device program in their classroom.  Make sure to give educators plenty of time to work with the tech and incorporate it into their classrooms effectively.  Give teachers a few solid initiatives and a clear vision for them to follow.

3.  Devices Outside the Classroom

When students are in class it is easy for schools to control and watch device use.  When students take their devices home, school districts have much less control over their devices.  It is important for schools to create rules for device use both on and off of school property.

4.  At Home WiFi

Schools also have to take into consideration if their students have internet access at home.  Studies have shown that students with WiFi at home do better in school than students without it.  Experts call this the “homework gap.”  Many schools have put WiFi access in their school buses so that students can do online work during their ride home.  Other schools have created maps for students to find free WiFi zones close to them.


Story via EdTech

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