Wave of New Ed Tech In K-12 Requires Classroom Redesigns

As Educational technology rises in accessibility and popularity, more classrooms are likely to get makeovers to accommodate new ways of teach and learning with digital tools and platforms.

A new survey found that 78 percent of K-12 facilities officials and administrators said they expect classroom redesigns to be a priority in the next three to five years.

Will the Infusion of Technology Impact Classroom Redesign in the Near Term?

Evaluating where the school is at with technology is the first step to see if there should be renovations. They should look at the age of the educational space, obsolescence, and what cost it would take to replace parts or the whole.

The arrival of technology is forcing a faster rate of renovation than schools have seen in the past. The average age of K-12 space is 46 to 48 years old. Today, technology and power demands are much different and demand more.

It’s very likely that in the next 5 years many old schools could be getting major revamps, especially as technology only becomes more and more popular.  

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